This is the number one question that gets asked by future clients who aren’t familiar with the e-collar. Every person who invests in a high end training program like Core DTS, wants their dog to be happy and they want to be able to really enjoy having a dog to the fullest capacity beyond the backyard.
They are more than the humans who are simply convenience owners. Their dog is now an addition to the family. And your dog understands this.
In the past, humans who would invest in their dog would spend thousands of dollars in several small increments and personal follow up training hours over several months and even a couple of years for some results.
Now, they can pretty much spend one upfront amount for reliably trusted and much crisper results in a fraction of the time using our services.
And again, that’s when that number one question gets asked by intelligent individuals who are trying to understand how e-collar training really works!
“Will my dog still act like a dog after training? I love my dog and I want them to still act like a dog.”
My quick easy answer is yes… Your dog will still want to go run and play. They will still want to chase cats. They will still want to bark at other dogs if thats what they already do. The difference factor is they understand there is a time and place for that now.
They have learned manners… We all had to start school as child. And we all had to learn to behave and make adjustments in our social settings during that process.
(Well, most of us anyway..)
It’s the same for your family dog.
When they are back in their own space like the backyard or a place you’re ok with. And there is no expectation of them needing to be socially aware and then given a break command. Your dog will want to run around like every other dog. They will still want to chase the cats they see. And they will continue to bark at passing dogs or people they don’t know if that’s what they already do and if you allow it.
You’re not changing your dogs internal DNA. You’re simply giving them the gift of manners like any other pre-school child gets, so you can start enjoying your dog beyond the backyard. And they can start enjoying the benefits that come along with that.
Start Enjoying your Dog, Beyond the Backyard.
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