Does e-collar training make your dog a robot? That is the general consensus of R+ dog trainers who have never used an e-collar and haven’t taken the time to research any large body of work a successful e-collar trainer has completed. From the small circle of popular social media treat trainers to the self-proclaimed dog trainer who has only trained their own dog, these dog trainers can only give a very biased view. And often a very negative extreme view of what the e-collar dog training industry is NOT about.

The hard reality is talented e-collar trainers are more effective, have much shorter training spans, provides training that holds up in real life, and allows dog owners who have to work for a living the ability to enjoy having a dog. Without the unrealistic tasks of needing to treat train all day everyday for a fraction of the e-collar trained results.
The question still remains. Does e-collar training make your dog a robot?
A large part of the dog owner population is educated and has common sense. They are struggling to find an answer to this question because they keep running into 2 sets of responses.
The e-collar trainer who says no, dogs are not robots.
And the treat trainer who says yes, those dogs do become robots.
That has left dog owners continuing to search for answers. And when someone doesn’t know or understand something, human nature has shown us that we go back to what we know.
We believe enough time has been wasted over the years with treat trainers making wrongful remarks out of fear from losing clients and e-collar trainers not being able to speak to this without the retaliation remarks that, “Of course an e-collar trainer is going to say dogs are not robots.”.
What we have done here at CoreDTS for almost 5 years is make a compilation of long and short videos showing real work using e-collars in dog training. We have also shown videos with the dog owners using the e-collars. We record live videos almost daily every time a new client brings us their dog so they can see their dog’s health vitals, emotional state, and the dog training progress their dog is learning.
We have turned out mostly happy dogs. Dog after dog. Year after year.

We say mostly happy because dogs are like people. Some people you can never make happy. Dogs are the same way. Most of our dogs go home happy. We give it to you straight.
So when a treat trainer says e-collar trained dogs are robots. We tell them No! They are not robots.
And we show the world, they are wrong.
E-collar trained dogs are NOT robots. Don’t believe us. Check out our work on Instagram. Follow and keep up with our Live Videos on Instagram. Watch our Dog Owner videos on Facebook.
In a world full of social media fake videos. We bring you real training. And we show it!