Dog Trainers around the world go to great lengths to learn, study, practice, and implement dog training techniques so they can help dogs and their owners live better lives.
But… Who is the one that is really being trained? The Dog Trainers? The Owners? Or The Dog?
From a human’s point of view, we can easily conclude that people who know how, train the dogs.
What would happen if we looked it at from a dog’s point of view?
I believe we would all begin to question our own reality.
Whatever your background is. R+ dog advocate, prong collar specialist, or e-collar dog trainer, there are some profound realities that dogs train us and we simply pacify their needs to excel a little more, manage their negative behavior, or teach them to see how they can be much better versions of themselves.
Whichever your dog training methodology is, dogs have been training people since the dawn of time. And they usually have a big ole kool-aid smile on their face while they do it.

They train us to be their own personal chauffeurs. We fill up our vehicles with expensive gas. And we drive them around town.
They train us to take them outside so they can go to the bathroom. And if that wasn’t enough, they also train us to pick up their poop with pleasant smelling, environment friendly, expensive poop bags. Then they sit or lay there smirking at us if you have a well taught dog. For those that don’t, your dog has you on a one second time limit where you have to pick up their poop and oops… Your dog tried taking off, pulled on the leash, almost knocked you over, and now you have poop on fingers.
Break out the hand sanitizer, and don’t forget to wash your hands when you get home!
They train us to get up at unimaginable hours so they can start their day if you have an untrained dog. And they also train us to take them outside multiple times in a short period if they just happen to want to smell the grass and not use the bathroom because they know you want to avoid any indoor accidents. Since you will be the ones to clean it up.

They train us to feed them at working times that are conducive for their daily schedule. Not ours. And then they laugh at us when they go counter surfing for scraps or just grab your meal off the table because they know all that’s going to happen is a loud verbal reprimand they can undo by playing dumb and licking you until you forgive them. For those untrained dogs.
They train us to take them to the dog park so they can socialize with other dogs because we internalize what we would want if we were in their shoes. Truth be told, all they really want is more attention from you. For many of those untrained dogs, it is hard dedicating more time to them because you can’t take them for walks, they are destroying your home, and they make loud embarrassing scenes when they are frightened about doing anything that they have never done before. We get it. So do you because you live it! Get your dog trained.

They train us to be afraid of leaving our homes for walks when you have an untrained dog because you are so afraid of their reaction to other people, dogs, or just in general.
The list goes on!
From a dog’s point of view, I gotta finish up by saying that dog owners are the ones being trained and that dogs are laughing at us every poop bag along the way.
Tip of the day.
“Live, Laugh, and Love your dog. They always seem to love you back!”