The month of January 2019 is Rescue Month here at Core DTS.
And I’m going to ask you to share your rescue photo.
Our Rescue Campaign is different than what your used to.
We aren’t talking about the dog you rescued from the shelter. We’re not talking about the dog you saved off the street. And we are not talking about the dog you took in from a family friend who was taking it to the pound because the dog was hyper and they had no time for it.
We are talking about you…
Every person who loves dogs and is invested in their personal dog has a story. And this Rescue Campaign is about you!
“I’m A Rescue” Campaign kicks off in January and we want to see pictures of you and your pup.
We may be rescuing dogs from all these horrible places but the sweet reality of it is; they are rescuing us.
-They are rescuing us every time we need a friend.
-They comfort us when we’re afraid.
-They lift us up when we are down.
-They shower us with constant affection and never ask for anything in return.
-They are always there.
So share your pictures of you and your pup in January 2019. And title it;
“I’m a Rescue!“
We can’t wait to see them!
Share the crap out of my Social Media!
Guiness and Killian are true rescues. Our pupper Nugget found them thrown out at a truck stop in Mississippi. They were literally just hours from death. Luckily for us we met a great vet who gave them medicine and vitamins and we supplied to love. With all that care and love they couldn’t help but become “good boys”! They now live the life of Riley visiting every state in the US. Our truck may sometimes seem tiny with one little 20 pound bundle of love and two 80 pound big footed nutballs, but there is no denying that we have more love inside our rolling home than anyone could ever imagine! Our @Blabby_labbies are amazing even without a piece of paper. No price tag could ever give us this kind of unconditional love!