The Sit Command is one of the most iconic dog commands that every dog owner wants. Every dog training ad promotes. All the dog training videos strive to show. And the word “Sit” has been part of the branding name in some of the most amazing dog training programs out there.

For us however, if we aren’t running a puppy package or teaching it as a one-off command, we don’t try to actively teach it in our ecollar board and train packages. We believe it is a lot of extra unnecessary work and just an additional headache for both the dog and the trainer. It’s rare if we have to focus on teaching the Sit Command.
Yes we have been using streamlined processes to make our learning easier for our dogs but not teaching the Sit command, is that even possible? We can confidently share that it is. The “Sit” command is the only command we allow to happen organically because we can adjust for timing, phrasing, conditions, expectations, and dog personality type. While there is work we do that gets us to that point and a lot of practice reinforcement once we see a dog understands, this initial command is the easiest for us to get a dog to understand. Again, we are not saying there isn’t a lot of work before and after that, we are simply sharing that the initial command learning is the easiest of all commands that we don’t schedule time to initially teach.

A follow question some would have after reading this is, why can’t you do this for the “down” command. That is because how a dog perceives sitting for you versus laying down for you. They are very different. The down command is very conditional for a dog and they like to keep it on their terms. And with the down command, if you allow a dog to make those decisions, the dog will continue to stay in the down command when you want to move forward, decide that they want to do multiple down commands, opt to not get up again, don’t enjoy laying down and standing up, and other reasons. I’m sure there will be a person who trained their own dog that can prove this can be done also. However they haven’t experienced training multiple dogs and different breeds. It’s always easier when it’s your own dog.
The Sit Command is the sweet spot we use as a bridge for other commands. It’s great. Your dogs are capable of doing so much more. Sign up today. Start enjoying your trained dog on the rise of tomorrow. The primary person who limits a dog’s ability is the person who owns the dog. Sign up today!