Are you struggling with treat training your dog while pursuing a demanding career field?

If you have a big job, specialized career, or skilled profession that requires a lot of your time and the tutorials you’ve learned on the internet don’t seem to be working well for you. You are not alone.
Treat training or R+ training is a chosen field that requires a lot of skill. Yes, there are tons of how-to-videos these days that anyone can learn from and implement at home. Lots of them are really good too!
But… Many of those How-to Videos are created by non-professional dog trainers. Self-proclaimed dog trainers is what they’re called. They trained their own dog. And now…
They are… Dog Trainers! Dun. Dunn. DUNnnn.
Professional R+ Treat trainers usually charge a monetary amount for any content they create because they are sharing their own valuable knowledge and skill. And Professional R+ trainers usually have an arsenal of tricks and tips that allow them to have faster success than the self-proclaimed dog trainer How-to-Videos.
R+ training is an absolute skill for those that build on their craft.
Still… Most DIY dog owners struggle with the same lack of results that you are experiencing at home too. So don’t be discouraged.
Have you ever wondered why a competitively skilled person like yourself is not having the same success that you see in these short 5 minute tutorial videos?

There are 2 big reasons why your dog is not holding those same commands for the attainable results listed in those videos.
The number one reason is reinforcement time. All these dog training experts do a great job of explaining how to treat train your dog. Most of them fail to mention that they stay-at-home all day working on it. Dog training skills take a lot of time and repetition to have any real tangible success. It’s a great potential pathway for a person who stays at home and trained their own dog. It’s not a big leap for many to list themselves as a local dog trainer after that.
This is a great segue into reason number two.
Most dog trainers generally use their own dog as the training example. A dog they have been working with for usually 2 years or longer. Ask them how old their dog is. You’ll find their dog is usually older. This is one of the biggest misleading traps that DIY dog owners fall into. It’s not realistic for a working professional to experience the same results as a dog trainer who showcases their own dog. They have been training their own dog for multiple years. Day after day. Month after Month. Training Video after Training Video. With The Same Dog…
The new dog trainer “war cry” is a dog trainer doesn’t have to have a body of work anymore. The results demonstrated with their own dog should be enough.
If you subscribe to that logic. Next time you have a plumbing fiasco, part of your roof falls off, your car engine goes out, or your investment portfolio takes a huge hit, just pay a neighbor or friend to fix it for you instead of a specialized professional who has seen many different scenarios and knows how to fix those problems. And not make it worse!
That’s why we showcase all the different dogs we’ve trained. We only showcase our personal dogs once a quarter or more when we feel they are doing something cool, cute, or relevant that we forgot to do with a past graduate.
You are a working professional who strives to deliver in your chosen field. A part time employee can’t go and do your job as effectively as you can. The same applies for dog training.
If you want dog training results, find a dog trainer who does the same.