One of the many questions I get asked when someone is dropping off their dog with me for their training is; how many dogs will I be training at the same time with their dog?
That’s everyone’s main concern when they drop off their dog. Aside from their dog being safe. They want to make sure that the money they are paying reflects the work results they are getting back.
Believe me, I understand that.
For the most part, I try not to start more than 2 dogs at the same time. All dogs are not the same. Some dogs require a lot more work than others. And some dogs have deep problematic trust issues. Just like people do.
I invest a lot of hours in the dogs I train. And while I can train up a dog to look good on a video in just a few days, it takes me a complete 2 weeks (for off leash work) to ensure I feel good that there are no gaps/holes in my work when I turnover the dog back to their human.
And that’s where I stand on my work. I would rather focus on the quality of my work than the quantity of it. I try to place myself in the other person’s shoes. If I was paying a substantial amount, I would want that person to invest time for me, not for their paycheck. So when I train a dog, I look for holes. I look for gaps. And I get back to work.
Yes no one can prepare for everything, every situation, or any circumstance, but man… I sure try. And that’s why I feel my work stands out. My thought process is, if I can prepare a dog for a traffic light crossing, I have prepared a dog better than most.
A good example of being set back and making adjustments is about this cute little guy I’m currently training. (See video link below) This little guy set me back a lot. 7 days! He had so much separation anxiety, I had to work out other issues before I could start asking more of him. The way we are currently trending now, I am fully expecting to be done within the scheduled 2 weeks. However, if any dog is not at the finished product level that I expect from all the dogs I train, then I will keep that dog a few days longer as needed to make sure the job gets done.
I want my work to reflect quality all the time. That’s my number one focus.
Check out the cute little guy!
Click the link below!
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