This is one of the biggest complaints that dog owners struggle with at home. Their dog is always jumping all over them. They can’t enjoy a regular walk because their dog wants to pull them everywhere. It’s never ending fun time for their dog who jumps from sofa to sofa. They used to take pride in maintaining their yard but now it’s a mess and full of holes. Their shoes are chewed up but so are the chairs, floor rugs, end tables, and everything else they used to own. So they ended up buying cheap furniture where it didn’t matter if it got ruined. The barking is non-stop! Seems like the dog barks at anything that passes by the house. The foam layer under the carpet is completely ruined from all the pee accidents. And it is literally impossible to enjoy a family dinner without their dog jumping on the table to grab some food or climb all over them hoping for a small morsel to call their own.
They love their dog but now their dog is usually outside, in a kennel all day, in the empty laundry room, or they are seriously considering taking their dog to the pound. The routine of coming home from work and having to deal with whatever mystery home horror show has proven to be too much.

Dog mom tried the treat training thing but it left her always smelling like dog kibble and not having anytime to spend with her hubby or kids. Dog dad thought taking the dog for runs would fix everything but it turned out to be more like he was holding on for dear life so his dog wouldn’t take off on him. Then Dog mom & Dog dad heard from the local mystic dog sage that “fixing” their dog by neutering him would calm him down.
So they tried that. Only to find out that it didn’t help. Dog mom & Dog dad were at their wits end.
They posted for help on a social media site one day and they got lots of suggestions of different dog trainers that could help. They got a lot of responses for a popular local treat trainer. Hey, that’s great! The only problem was, they already went to that trainer. Then their was a couple of suggestions for this e-collar trainer. Dog mom was like, “What is an e-collar?”.

So they reached out to the e-collar trainer and shared all of their current struggles. The e-collar trainer shared that he could help along with some other information that they needed to hear. Dog mom & Dog dad learned that “fixing” a dog can reduce a dogs drive but it doesn’t eliminate it and the reduction is generally unnoticeable. That’s why all their dog owner friends struggle with the same thing.
The e-collar trainer shared the cost of the training package and let Dog mom & Dog dad know he could help them. After hearing the cost, Dog dad mentioned it was a little too pricey for them. The e-collar trainer asked them if it was too pricey to replace their damaged furniture and home items? Was their personal time too pricey to get their yard looking good again? If the money they spent for all the past dog training made their after work lives any better or was it too pricey to have a better after work life? And as the e-collar trainer was about to continue, Dog mom asked if they could pay a lesser amount because their dog was previously trained and he knows the commands really well.
Without laughing, the e-collar trainer went to get his own dog and had her lay down in front of them. The dog belonging to Mrs. Dog mom started lunging, barking, and making a big ol scene. The e-collar trainer asked Mrs. Dog mom to have her dog sit and be quiet. Dog mom admitted that she may have embellished a little about the extent of her dog’s capabilities. That’s when Dog dad chimed in for the rescue! Dog dad shared that their dog was really great at home. So the e-collar trainer asked if this was before or after all the damage was done at their home, if their walks are still unenjoyable as they just claimed, and if they have peaceful dinners after work while their dog is roaming around the dinning room table?
The e-collar trainer knew they had a lot to take in that day. Dog mom & Dog dad had just realized that all their previous time and money spent was so much more than the cost of their dog’s new future training.
The e-collar trainer left his calling card. Shared his excitement to help was there, when they were ready for real change. And he hoped they wouldn’t waste more of their future time not following through since time is the most limited and precious commodity we have.
Two years later…

After countless more dog training money was thrown down the drain and their home life is a shell of what it once was. A baby is coming! And they really want help this time. They want a safe environment for their baby and they want to grow as a family and have all the nice things they used to have for their bundle of joy that’s on the way. So they reached out to the e-collar trainer once again, asking for help.
Do you think Dog mom & Dog dad got their dog trained? Do you think they justified that having a baby was too expensive and decided against getting their dog trained? Or did they dump their family dog off at the pound, got a puppy right after their baby was born, and eventually got a divorce because Dog mom & Dog dad always took the route that was the cheapest and most strenuous on their family dynamic?
Share your thoughts!

I have seen this type of dog families. Unfortunately Dog Moms and Dog Dads that are in this situation have no idea that they can help their dog permanently. And they don’t have to suffer forever. Reaching out to “good and experienced” trainers in this field is a must.
Great information as always, Core DTS keep doing great things; helping one dog at a time.
Thank you for taking the time to share this!
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