We love our little dogs. They are all super cute, easy to carry, fun to take with us, and so much more! Until they are not. Little dogs can become more aggressive in nature faster than bigger dogs can with how much more attention we like to give them with no proper boundaries due to them being fun size.

We have gotten so many little dogs over the years. Many came to us aggressive towards people. Biting their family, chomping on friends of the family, or using their little serrated teeth on their owners when they wanted to get their own way.
Dogs in general, begin showing several signs long before they start acting out on their aggression towards people. Those signs include puffing up or barking back at you when they don’t like something you are asking them do. Growling or showing teeth when you get near their food, bed, or try to pet them. Which often turns into protecting a space or area they feel belongs to them and no one else. Sometimes dogs do this with select people they don’t want anyone else getting next to.
Our training has allowed our dog owners to start enjoying their little dogs again. Saved dogs from being left at the dog shelter. And gave our dog owners the added joy of being able to make their little dogs part of their daily lives again, since they could take their family dog with them where they wanted to go. All while having the confidence of knowing they have a highly trained, well behaved, and of course super cute little dog.