Are you getting your bully breed e-Collar trained? You may be considering e-collar training for your French bully, Standard XL, Standard bully, bulldogs, or any short snout dog like pugs and custom breeds.

Many dog trainers are not familiar with these hidden concerns when training these types of dogs because they are generally high end dogs and high end dog owners are very particular about where they go for dog training.
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Here’s the hard cold truth. Short snout dogs have a much harder time breathing than other dogs. To add to that big concern, training your short snout dog in the summer increases the risk level for them to overheat because they will get hotter faster and begin to breath much heavier. And if that wasn’t enough to worry about, an even bigger concern is the type of flat collar they are wearing. During the hot months, a bully breed who is working harder to breath can have their neck size increase a couple of inches or more because of how hard they are working to suck in air to just breath. Their neck muscles are working at max capacity.
If you own one of these dogs, you have heard how hard it is for them to breath in the middle of summer after they ran around a little in the backyard. That flat collar that the inexperienced dog trainer once thought was loose enough is now working as a restricting noose and making it harder for your little one to take air in. Monitoring and adjusting is key with the flat collar you have on your dog. A dog trainer not familiar with this breed will let you know they keep the flat collar very loose, but now the big concern is your high price dog can easily back out of the flat collar and run away when the e-collar is first used. Maybe even into traffic.
So unless you can see consistent results from a dog trainer with multiple bully breeds under their belt, I would continue to keep searching for the right dog trainer in your area. Just so you know, we have had dog owners bring their dogs to us from out of state for us to train. You would not be alone if you chose this for your dog.

You spend a lot of money to get the best dog for you and your family that you could. Why would you not do the same for your dog training needs? Unless you are all about aesthetics… We know there are people who spend a lot of money on a dog only to show it off for prestige. Those dog owners are not our demographic. Nor do we want them as clients, they are never happy and only create more headaches because they are concerned about how they look with their dog, not about their dog and how they are part of the family.
Train your dogs. Look around in your area for the right trainer that delivers results, not smooth talking or good at posting cute videos. Always remember to consider us too. Sign your dog up with us for our high value results. We are ready to help!