Have a Dumb Dog?

We have heard dog owners share this so many times over the years. Ugg, I have a dumb dog!

When dog owners share their frustration about having a dumb dog, we used to listen. Now, we thought it better to share our thoughts to help other dog owners who may be struggling with the same issue.

So the next time you think you have a dumb dog, come back and visit this post again.

With all the different “dumb” dogs we have gotten, there has only been 2 dogs who needed things broken down into smaller steps with more repetitive practice. They weren’t dumb, they just learned better with more hands on practice and a simpler step by step process. In fact, they would often perform better out of the gates. They simply needed to understand it and wanted to perform it well.

What we usually shared with dog owners about their “dumb” dog was they were highly intelligent dogs. There was no issue with their dog. In fact, their highly intelligent dog was often training their dog owner.

Here are different ways your dog plays dumb and trains you.

  • They don’t take your food treat for training because they know you will give in and feed them anyway. If fact, they are still full from the home made food you gave them earlier in the day.
  • They don’t want your food treat for training because it’s not motivating enough since they get it regularly. You’ll probably buy different ones since these aren’t working. They just have to wait now.
  • They don’t like your food treat for training because they have a reformed pallet after all the other great food and treats you give them all the time.
  • They know you don’t plan their training time regularly and only have to wait a short time before you give up. Then they can go back to doing whatever they want.
  • The toy you are using for training is the same toy they have access to whenever they want. Along with all their other toys. They don’t want to play with that one right now.
  • They are having fun watching you do all this extra physical activity you normally don’t do. They want to see how far you will take it.
  • There is no clear communication for your dog to understand what you are asking of them. They think it’s better to just keep jumping on you.
  • Your dog doesn’t want to participate because they know you already do everything for them. Why ruin a good thing.

These are just a few reasons a dog doesn’t want to do anything. And they are often mislabeled as dumb. These dogs are on a genius level! They have definitely been training you for the life they want.

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