How do I sign up?
Sign up by reaching out through DM on Instagram or Facebook. You will provide your Name, Contact Email, Phone Number, Your Package Selection, your Dog’s name, and your Dog’s breed. We send you a contract and payment link. Once both are returned completed, you are placed on our training schedule. We will reach out and give you an training date range.
Do I have to pay the full amount up front?
No, your Payment Link will come with an option to pay approx 55% as a down payment to secure a training slot. The remainder amount does not need to be paid until 1 day before your dog’s training begins.
Can I bump up my dog’s training date?
We are regularly scheduled out a few months at a time. Many clients sign up when their dog is 1 or 2 months old to avoid wait times. We do not bump anyone to accommodate a new sign up. If we have availability and we are willing, we have taken a dog ahead of schedule. There is an additional cost, your dog will stay an additional 30 days on top of their scheduled package time if needed, and your dog is always worked last in our rotation. There are times when they are not worked. Our clients dog’s that were signed up before yours, always receive first priority.
Will my dog still listen when we are home?
Yes. We understand the question. Some outfits or trainers make things look good on video or can use their skill to show that your dog listens in environments that they are already familiar with. Or around dogs they have already been conditioned to get along with or ignore. That’s why we do at least 2 scheduled training meetups in very public places. We show you first hand that your dog has been trained just in case our live videos, our posted videos, or our clients testimonials are not enough for you. For those that live within a 10 mile radius of our location, we also do a home transition. We know first hand that when a dog goes home, they want to revert back to how things used to be. They remember they ran the household. For those that don’t live within a 10 mile radius, we explain the process and we make ourselves available for any questions when you go home with your dog. Bottom line, if you use the tools we include in our training and how we teach you for your specific dog during our transition trainings, your dog will continue to demonstrate their great training at home and when you take them out!
Do I have to buy an ecollar?
No. The e-collar is included in the service package you select.
What do I need to send with my dog?
You provide your dog’s food for the entire duration of their training stay. We recommend sending extra food because we work them a lot. We also ask that you include 4 to 6 cans of wet dog food. We share which brand to get. We do this because we do not like sending dogs home that looked like they were starved while they were with us. We feed them a lot! Any food left over, we send back. We do not want it. Our trainees eat well and are often free fed after a certain point in the training. Except for people aggressive dogs or really over weight dogs. We use food as a training tool in those circumstances.
Can I send blankets, their kennel, toys, or anything?
No. We are running a training program where their only job is to learn and follow through. This is not a dog getaway or retreat spa. We remove all physical items that are associated with you to prevent any lingering smells they may have of you.
Can I pick up my dog each night during their board and train learning?
No. Our board and train packages is high quality learning with unmatched results for the short training stay they are with us. We suggest looking at some of our different training options to accommodate that request.
Will my dog finish their training ahead of time?
Our listed package time frames are for us and for our health. We do finish dogs ahead of time. Some dogs take the full time period. It depends on our health and our time tables. You’ll know if your dog finishes sooner if we reach out to schedule their transition training meetups.
Why don’t you keep all your trainees for the length of the training package that is listed?
Once a dog has passed all our rigorous tests and they show they are consistently listening in all the hard situations we have placed them in. We work towards getting them home as soon as possible. We do this for the following reasons. Our dog owners want their dog home as soon as possible. Also, there is no benefit to keeping a dog longer once they are trained. That puts your dog and us in a situation to get more attached. It’s harder for your dog to leave and it’s harder on us when your dog has to leave. Some dogs have gotten so attached to their trainers that they didn’t want to go home. We want to avoid those possibilities. We usually have other dogs we are training and can now give them more of our time.
What rules do you have or need me to follow when we start our transition training meetups for my dog?
We do not work like other outfits or trainers. There is nothing out of the ordinary except to watch our highlight story on instagram that explains how the e-collar works. And wear something comfortable. Like tennis shoes. Our training is 100% geared for you. Not your dog. Your dog will already know what to do. We have lots to cover. So we ask that you refrain from addressing your dog or making any baby sounds towards them. That just gets them worked up and makes it more challenging for them. You will have an opportunity at the end to say hello. We have found this to be the easiest way to transition your dog. Yes they are excited to see you too. We have scheduled time frames to cover a lot of information.
Will my dog be left outside?
No. Our trainees usually come to us as family dogs and have been living inside your home. They are now unmanageable and you need help. Our trainees live with us. If they are left outside, they are left in our gated, covered, well ventilated, and camera recorded patio. That’s where all our trainees start. We make adjustments based on weather conditions. If your dog is an indoor dog and they come to us smelly or dirty, they will absolutely stay in our patio for a longer period regardless of the weather conditions. We have it listed in our introductory email to ensure they come bathed or groomed. It’s your dog and your responsibility to ensure they are clean at your home and we expect the same thing when they come to ours. Yes they will get dirty during training. Ensuring they are clean, ensures they transition faster into our home and away from the outside patio.
Can I take my other untrained dog on walks with my newly trained dog?
If you are able to keep your untrained dog out of your newly trained dog’s personal space while leading them the way we show you, then yes. If you can’t, then no. It’s like a parent getting mad at their child who won’t listen because their friend can do whatever they want and is instigating unwanted behavior while invading your child’s personal space. It’s simply wrong and your dog should not be held accountable for a negative environment you create.
Will my dog have to wear the ecollar after training?
Yes. That’s why you sent them. For them, it’s like wearing a watch or jewelry. Most of our trainees are used to wearing the collar for approx 16 hours or less. We do this so they are used to wearing it for a standard 8 hour day in the event your dog goes to work with you or you have a day activity planned for them and your family.
What happens if I stop using the e-collar?
Abandoning the e-collar because you feel they were so well trained or simply don’t want to use it anymore will allow your dog the opportunity to begin reverting back to how they used to be. When you do put the e-collar back on after a period of not using it, you will be using higher volume to get their attention and the communication aspect they learned during training can be lost. Your dog will usually associate the e-collar as corrections only. Some dogs then fear the e-collar. Others may not. And that could have been completely avoided by not abandoning the e-collar and following through with what your dog and you learned. Your dog went through training. You paid a lot of money. They learned. They got corrected at times. It changed from correction to communication which are lower volumes if it’s needed. Yes, there are still some correction moments depending on your dogs drive, personality, or intelligence. There is no point to send your dog to us to help make their life and your life better and later abandon their training to start all over again. Our training is real and hard to match. We don’t do refresher trainings for that reason. You have to schedule your dog again for another training. When you see our work, you’ll understand why.
I would prefer you used R+ methods in your training program for my dog.
Then sign your dog up with an R+ trainer or learn to do what we do using treats only.
Can I see my dog during training?
No. Some of our trainees get depressed early on. We are not in the business of seeing a dog struggle emotionally. We work hard to help them through it and get them trained up so they can go home as soon as possible.
My dog has some e-collar training. Can I get a discount?
No. We may charge an add-on cost because we know you messed them up and now they are leash reactive, freak out, shut down, or have some other negative behavior that they have gotten away with for a long period of time. We now have to untrain them and retrain them away from the negative behavior you helped them form. If your dog was e-collar trained well, you wouldn’t be needing our services. We also know our results offer real life companion abilities.
Do you have discounts?
Yes. If you don’t ask. We won’t either. Our focus is on training. We sign people up and move forward. If you’ve followed our instagram stories, you know we are very work and quality driven. We don’t get too caught up in other areas. Our discounts apply to law enforcement, fire fighters, and military. Proof is required. We apply it at sign up.
Can you just train my dog to not do selective items like chewing on furniture or digging holes?
No. We are very straight forward about our training. There is learning. There is correction. And later that transforms into communication. Most of our dogs go home happy like you see in our videos and testimonials. Not all dogs do because they are like people in that way. Some people will never be happy no matter how hard you try. Our training is geared to teach you dog in real life situations which transfers into the e-collar becoming a communication device. Not a correction device. If an e-collar is used only to address things that are unwanted, a dog will not want to wear the e-collar. We are not in the business of using the e-collar as a correction device only. A dog will never understand the “why” portion and be fearful if that’s all you ever use it for. We are not the right program for you. Look for a cheap or inexperienced “ecollar trainer”. They will be happy to ruin your dog for some quick cash.
Do I have to fill out your contract?
Yes. Without it, we won’t train your dog.
How do I know if I need the Aggressive Dog Add-On package?
If your dog has bitten anyone or has tried to bite someone, then you need the add-on package. Or you have a Belgian Malinois. If your dog is leash reactive and they only attack the leash, then no. If they do a lot of growling or posturing during their drop off and does not try to bite, still no. We get plenty of dogs that sound scary with no bitting problems when training begins. We have successfully converted every leash reactive dog so far without their owners needing to pay the aggressive dog add-on package. We go to great lengths to avoid your dog attacking us and needing to reach out while stopping their training. We’ve been pretty successful at it too! If your dog figures out how to transition from attacking the leash to a trainer, then yes. We stop training and you have 24 hours to make the payment or pick up your dog.These are rare cases where a dog owner insisted their dog was not people aggressive. We saw clear signs during the drop off and we mention there may be an add-on cost because of it. If your dog attacks us, there were clear early signs we addressed. We know some owners will not always be straight forward to save on cost. If this is one of those rare cases, there is no refund and you have 24 hours to pay the add-on cost. These cases have been rare in the last 5 years. We take our safety seriously. We expect our dog owners too also.
Can I pay cash instead?
Yes, you can pay cash. We try to accept training package payments using trackable methods first. If you share cash is your only method, then we will accept cash. Our payment links help us to keep track of our services. And if you pay cash, we have to make time to go to the bank to ensure there is no issue with the bills being authentic. Times have changed and counterfeit bills have become a real problem these days. Yes, we accept cash.
These are the most asked questions we receive. We get excited about training dogs. It is also challenging and physically exhausting work. We would love to be the ones to train your dog!