I had a message conversation almost a month ago with a very interesting guy. He commented on one of our stories that emphasized the importance of having handler experience when owning a Belgian Malinois.
He shared he had always wanted a Belgian Malinois but his lifestyle didn’t allow for the time and work that involved in owning one. It was in that brief statement that I really latched on to the type of individual I was communicating with. I shared I’d been wanting to write an article about this for a while now, but kept pushing it further on the back burner.

His lifestyle statement noting his lack of time and the work that was required in having a Maligator can be helpful to so many people when they are choosing their next family dog. His statement alone helped me to immediately see that I was talking to a man who saw his world on a larger scale that took his future needs into consideration versus letting his personal wants define his current situation.
He understood that working dogs needed more daily work and constant interaction versus other breeds that didn’t. He also shared some additional insight for dog owners that want a regular non-working dog breed. Which was time and dedication and how they were important towards getting the desired results people want in a trained dog.
We wanted to share this insight that came from a similar peer who is focused on their career and lifestyle wants instead of the boring talking points coming from a dog trainer. Taking some time to process his shared information can help many people find the right dog that fits the lifestyle that they want and flexibility of being able to pursue any career direction they need. Saving a future dog owner from biting off more than they can chew.

Having a dog is Great! Finding the right dog for you is even better. Save a dog, buy a dog, find a dog on the side of the road, just make sure they are the right dog for you.