E-collars have been around for some time.
Before they evolved, they were known as shock collars and they did send an electronic current to stimulate a dog.
Yes, very harsh. And very cruel.
If used repeatedly, it could also leave burn marks on your dog from the electrical current that was delivered to them.
Today, e-collars are a new and different type of collar. They won’t burn your dog. They work similar to a medical Tens unit that human patients receive from hospitals across the globe. These miniature units do not deliver any electrical current. They deliver a pulse of electric energy. In the medical field for humans, Tens units are designed to treat muscle pain and stress.
Yes… There are many uneducated people who still believe this type of e-collar is zapping a dog full of electricity. There are also organizations out there who know and understand the differences between these two types of collars. And they purposely lump them all into the shock collar category so they can further their own business agenda.
These e-collars are like any other device. If used improperly or by someone who doesn’t know how to use them correctly, damage and harm can be the end result. I always enjoy talking to other dog trainers who pursue their craft and who don’t feel the need to attempt to show me up or display what they know. I’ve talked to many who don’t use e-collars and a few that do. The same message seems to transpire during all our conversations.
Is the dog healthy?
Are they happy?
Are safe measures being used to accomplish the goal?
That’s what most great dog trainers strive for.
So many people think using these collars are as easy as putting them on your dog and they will respond to what you ask. Everyone seems to be a dog trainer and this device should make it easy to do.
I’ve retrained dogs that were listed as e-collar or shock collar failures. I’ve trained dogs that failed out of other dog obedience schools. I’ve witnessed people trying to learn how the e-collar works on dogs they were training. FYI, I hope those weren’t your dogs during your attempt to save a few dollars and go with someone who doesn’t display their work on social media.
I’ve seen one dog run away from their handler. Another dog run towards my dog because the lady didn’t have control of the dog she was training. And a few other instances. Many dogs fight the collar because they associate it as a fear based device or they weren’t adequately trained to respond to an initial command. There’s a lot of prep work and detail work to show a dog that the e-collar is a device that opens up possibilities beyond the backyard, when introducing the e-collar correctly.
If you have a family dog, your dog is major part of your life. Your dog needs to be trained so they can be an extension of you when you leave the house.
Get your dog trained up! Call me now to start enjoying that.
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