Being able to see the lightbulb go on in a dog is a rare experience few dog trainers ever experience. Those moments are generally experienced by high level trick treat trainers, some dog protection experts, very few treat trainers, and a handful of eCollar dog trainers.
The reason these moments are usually lost are because most dog trainers associate the learned response with the desired training process they were going through with that select dog. Teachers teach and trainers, train. Teachers see this look of connection often in their students. Very few dog trainers have a teaching background or learned this skill along the way.

During the process of training a dog, there is a look of connection that a dog will give you. There excitement level jumps up above normal levels and they usually make more mistakes right after that lightbulb moment. Dogs do not know how to control their desires, their excitement, or their anger. So everything is back to the drawing board and that dog trainer missed that lightbulb moment.
That’s where eCollar trainers have flourished. There is a small handful of ecollar trainers who don’t always focus on the end result while teaching a dog self control. They live in that moment of teaching. They work for that moment of connection. They understand that the learned connection is what allows them to move forward in training that dog. The teaching moment is the grit. The training moment develops the mental toughness for the endurance level you are producing. It’s an evolving cycle.
That look though… That look of joy a dog gives you with their head held high, their tongue out smiling, and their ears perked up when an ecollar dog trainer has taught them self control over their raging emotions is absolutely priceless.
Dogs understand those little victories. They show it all the time. We just didn’t know what to look for.