The command “Come” is a time honored recall staple in dog training. We use it everyday when we call our dogs to come to us.
For many humans with untrained dogs, this command serves as a false sense of security. In the backyard, your dog might respond because they are bored and want your attention.
Once you get them beyond the backyard or routine and they get away from you. You’ll be off to the races chasing down your doggo!
All the new stimuli they encounter will cause them to run away in excitement and explore OR they are running away because they are afraid. They haven’t learned how to process new information and generally won’t listen to you. They are doing what they believe they need to do to stay alive. It’s the basic fight or flight response.
Then there’s those dogs who truly are the pack leader at home and their human is “the pack”. The human calls and calls and calls for their doggo to come. I’ve heard many stories of frustration by humans who have turned purple from yelling for their dog to come, but their doggo never does…
The struggle is real.
Almost every dog trainer I’ve ever met starts off teaching this basic fundamental core command. And it is definitely a high value core command.
I place a strong emphasis in teaching this because when I teach or work dogs without a leash, they need to respond to this command.
If I see a car coming, I use this command…
If there are other dogs in the area and I want to keep my trainee close as a precaution, I use this command…
If I’m taking my trainee to a new park or shopping outlet and need to leave, I use this command…
The biggest take away and difference from me and every other e-collar dog trainer is I teach this command over the 2 week time frame a trainee is with me during my Bolt Package and I don’t use the e-collar to do it. It’s a rare occurrence when I have to. And you won’t have to yell anymore as long as you’re using the techniques I show you.
The e-collar is a tool that will help bridge the gap between you and your doggo when they are done with my training. Over time, you will also see the need to use the e-collar less from my training with the constant re-enforcement at home or out. I always say to keep it on when your out and never be afraid to use it because it can make the difference in keeping your dog safe or saving your dogs life one day. And isn’t that every dog humans goal?
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