What does change without changing mean?

Most people can relate to being in a past relationship that failed. You invested your time and energy only to find yourself looking back at a span of wasted memories. You may be going through this right now.
You and your significant other are struggling. And you hit a wall where you were hoping for growth or change from the other person. What happens a lot of the time is the other person tries to grow. They try to change. The hidden issue that makes up this problem a lot of the time is that the significant other starts changing, but the original person does not.
A successful relationship cannot continue to grow if one person is evolving while the other person is not. Which leaves someone always being left behind because of personal growth. The more we grow, the more our outlook changes. And the more we change the people connections we want around us.

This happens sometimes in Dog Training. Some dog owners want a quick, fast, and reliable change. All the things that we do here at CoreDTS. Their dog gets trained. Their dog looked great in all the videos. They looked even more amazing when they got to work with their dog in person. And a few short weeks later, things aren’t working out so well.
Ughhh! So what happened?
What happened to my dog who was doing so well in the beginning?
That answer is always one of the hardest ones to acknowledge. Nobody enjoys looking in the mirror and seeing why select problems are still there, haven’t changed, or progress seems to be stifled.
Change without changing equals failure.
Getting your dog trained to do all these amazing things is absolutely worthless, if you are not willing to change your own behavior and approach to how you interact with your dog going forward. Some dog owners become inconsistent early on once they get their dog home alone and go right back to treating them how they used to. We’re not talking about pouring the love on them. We’re talking about what you allow behind closed doors.

Reverting back to multiple same word commands instead of using the tools provided. Making baby sounds at your dog when they chose to look like they were afraid when another dog passes by, because in the past that’s what you did and you rewarded them for it. Dogs are smart and know how to manipulate a person who wants to be manipulated. It’s easier to do that in that moment instead of following through with something they’ve already learned. If you were guilty of cheating on your spouse and knew you could continue that horrible behavior with the other persons awareness, you’re probably going to continue to do it.
Getting your dog professionally trained to have amazing behavior without changing your own behavior to follow through, is why your trained dog is failing at home.
We live in a world where most people want to spin the news to make you feel better about what your doing. We worked hard to train your dog. More importantly, your dog stepped up to be the change from the dog training you sent them too. It’s simply unfair for your dog to make all the changes while you’re still living in the past on how you used to treat them. Which led to their poor behavior in the first place and why you wanted help fixing it.

I’ll leave you with this. Counseling. Open communication. Renewed vows. All mean nothing if your significant other struggled with infidelity and you purposely leave them in a room each night with the person they Fidel’ed you with.
Just so you could show you trust them again.
Super silly, right?
Yes, we know “Fidel’ed” is not a word. But it sounded funny in my head.
Change without changing equals failure.
Be the change!