We have been successfully churning out off leash high quality dogs, working towards a decade now. For the first 4 to 5 years, the majority of the dog’s ages we trained ranged from 10 months old to 5 years old. That was the average age range.

The age, breed, or behavior a dog demonstrated did not matter. We put out unmatched results year in and year out that allowed our dog owners to go out into the real world and experience real life with their dogs. This might lead you to wonder why we are requiring new requirements, for accepting a dog to sign up into our Bolt Off leash package.
In the many years that have passed, we have taken some serious behavioral issues including severe people aggressive dogs and trained them to be off leash reliable in hard social settings. Social settings that included big box stores filled with people during peak hour times with consistent unmatched results. Some dogs were rescued from a shelter while others were a high end breed purchased from dog breeder whose owner decided they wanted a better, more interactive life with their dog.
We’ve learned a few things during our business journey. The more time a dog spends with their owner figuring things out for themselves on what is safe or not safe, the more self-learned negative behavioral issues they develop. We know our dog owners are doing the best they can with the information they have available. We also know the majority of the dog training related information out there is wrong. If it was right, the shelters would not be consistently full or the kill shelters would not regularly be putting down dogs to keep their shelter doors open. You can’t force a person to see the obvious and we are done trying to educate people to stay away from dog trainers, dog behaviorists, and social media dog trainers who claim adversive tools are bad for dogs, their treat training approach is the best way, all while keeping the revolving shelter doors open so shelters can get dogs adopted and retake them in a few months later. Keeping them employed.

The claim that force free people use are; they are saving dogs and they provide a better trained overall life. The only saving that is being done is for their own self interest. People actively dump dogs in the desert or fields now, accidently lose them, or let them out to wonder the streets hoping a good citizen will take them in. People are tired of training that doesn’t work, spending years of money on dog lessons, making a person feel bad so they stick with this broken way of dog training, or the hard truth that treat training takes on average 2 years of active training for better results that don’t even allow the lifestyle we provide.
(Hidden Truth: These social media dog people hand pick dogs with the right temperament, personality, learning ability, and other items to help speed up their results. Plus they train dogs for a living making you feel like it will only take a couple of months when it took them a couple of years.)
When it comes down to it, we are tired of needing to correct more than we have to during the training for these large negative behavioral issues we get with older dogs when it comes to our off leash package. We also understand that our prices are not cheap and many save up over time to get our off leash package. We really do.
However some of the behavorial issues we have gotten have been so extreme that it takes active ecollar management when we are done. We are honest with every dog owner when we do the transition. If it requires more from them, we tell them. Most of dogs don’t require active management, but we are tired of having to correct more thru these issues for this premium package. This goes back to our original position. The longer a dog spends time figuring out the world for themselves, the more negative behavioral issues they come with. We no longer want to work through that.

Going forward for our Bolt Off Leash Package only. We will only accept dogs into this program for the ages of 3, 4, and 5 months of age. This is the ideal range where the least amount of external life damage can occur. Yes we know there will be a small handful of owners down the road who will somehow manage to really screw it up, but those ages will allow us to churn out a majority of highly confident and well trained off leash dogs with normal correction amounts for mostly normal issues. We are consistently unmatched for a reason.
If you try to sign up your dog at 5 months old and we are already booked out a couple of months ahead, we will decline your dog and let you know we will only accept them into our Marley Leash Package. If you request a payment link you do not pay and other people sign up ahead of you, causing you to miss your deadline to sign up, we will not accept your dog into our Bolt Package Program.
The age requirement will also apply for our service dog package. Your service dog sign up must be 6 months or less at time of sign up. You also know that they must attend our Bolt or Marley package before we take them as a service dog. We are doing this because these are premium packages and we no longer want to work through the extra negative behavorial issues your dog acquired over the passing months or years because you failed to sign up for it. If your dog was that important to you, you wouldn’t have waited. And there are too many payment options in this world that make it easier than ever to sign up for the package you really want.
Our Marley package is still consistently unmatched for the work we do. It is also way under priced for what you would spend at any larger city. You also won’t find any semblance of our work in smaller ones. Our prices are more than fair and undervalued compared to the industry norm. We also know what you would get anywhere else.
We look forward to training your future off leash dogs and service dogs in our program for those who sign up. We are happy to help. And ready to serve.