Baylee versus the Traffic Light!
That statement hits the bullseye mark. I have this unique and wonderful opportunity where I get to wake up every morning to a company I’m building each new day and the highlight is I get to work with dogs all the time. That’s what I do. I work dogs. I train dogs. I prepare them to face a brand new world.
And I get to meet humans who are truly invested in their dog and want more of a life for them that extends beyond the backyard.
This brings me back to Baylee.
I work and train dogs for a living. Baylee joins a very unique group.
Yes I remember the other dogs I train. For me specifically, I remember their personalities and select memories I have made with each one of them.
The ones that leave the biggest mark on me are the ones who work me back. It’s rare and it’s only a handful. Baylee is one of those dogs…
Dogs that work me back, make me better.
If I had to describe Baylee, I would start by saying she has the determination of a lioness chasing down food. The work ethic of a wrestler who practices each move until it is a natural reaction. And the mind of a person who has a very high IQ. It has been a non-stop ride of peaks and valleys. And a whole lot of time outs.
I’ve always said I won’t risk a dogs safety to get my traffic light video in. So me and Baylee won’t be doing one. Yes she knows what to do. We’ve made at least 25 different crossings and various lights with the leash on and with the leash on the floor. Day and night. And she’s rocked it every time. Baylee has a very strong fear when the leash is not connected and she knows when we are going to cross.
So much that she would rather take off in the opposite direction placing me in the position of me using my remote to make a hard correction to regain her awareness.
For all the dogs in the past, I’ve shared whatever large fears they had and let their humans know to avoid them unless they wanted me to make those hard corrections to change it. I’ve always said it’s not something I’m willing to do unless they want me to do additional training for it. And it’s usually something like the big flame wavy guy balloon, man hole covers, and one was even a clown. For Baylee, it’s taking her tiny body and crossing a street with cars ten times the size of her and without the security of the leash.
So we won’t be doing the traffic light video. Please check out all of Baylee’s other videos. She rocks all the Bolt Package stuff. And I’m very glad to get dogs like Baylee every now and then. They make better. They also wear me out, but they definitely make me better. She has made me better!
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