Are you a novice dog owner thinking about getting a Belgian Malinois?
Look at that picture. ——->
These little guys are super cute, overly adorable, extremely smart, and don’t they look like the most innocent looking dogs ever in that picture?
These little guys are perfect!
I really do understand the draw of wanting to get one of these little guys. They can be great protective dogs. They can handle big tasks. And they are extremely smart.
They must be that great of a dog because the military uses them! Law enforcement uses them! They are super dogs!
Here’s the best advice I can give to a novice dog owner looking into getting one of these cute little guys.
Take all your worldly possessions you’ve worked so hard to acquire in life. Your house. Your car. Everything in your house. Everything you own really. Then place it all together, nice and neat. Next light a match, and place it all on fire!
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I’m so evil!!!
Anyway, if you’re a novice owner and willing to do all of that, then this dog is the right dog for you. Belgian Malinois are called Maligators for a reason.
They have big bite power! These guys will eat through your walls if you leave them alone to long and if you don’t give them enough attention and/or exercise. That’s based off their opinion, not yours.
FYI, these guys can make a 3 mile run look like a stroll through the park. They have energy for days.
And if these guys don’t feel like they are getting enough of your time or enough stimulation, they will let you know. They can get very vocal to get your attention. They will let you know when they want to go out to play, go out to relax, or just be a general pain in the butt and annoy you.
Yes, these dogs enjoy doing the things you don’t want them to do. Maligators are extremely smart dogs. Always join a Maligator community group before getting one of these guys. And just read the stories their owners share. Also, invest in a quality trainer who knows how to train a Mal. They are not like other dogs. Training is a must.
Last thing I can share with you is, these dogs are work dogs first. They need a job. They are pets second. Once you understand that, then you have a good foundation to possibly being ready to getting one of these guys.
Research. Lots of research.
Good luck!
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